Math Placement Exam
Frequently Asked Questions

Answer Why is there a math placement exam?

Answer Who has to take the exam?

Answer What if I already took the Advanced Placement BC Calculus exam?

Answer When is the placement exam given?

Answer Do I have to take the placement exam if I've already taken calculus in high school?

Answer Why do I have to take the placement exam if I've already taken calculus in high school?

Answer What topics will be tested on the exam?

Answer How many math placement exams are there?

Answer Do I have to take both exams?

Answer Which exam should I take?

Answer How should I prepare for the exam?

Answer What happens during the exam?

Answer What should I bring to the exam?

Answer How long is the exam?

Answer Are calculators allowed during the exam?

Answer How is the exam graded?

Answer What happens after the exam?

Answer May I retake the exam?

Answer How many times may I retake the exam?

Answer Can I get transfer credits by taking the placement exam?

Answer What are the various undergraduate math courses offered by Stony Brook?

Answer How do the different placement levels relate to these different courses?

Frequently Asked Questions

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