Stony Brook
DEC Category C Requirement

In order to graduate from Stony Brook, you need to satisfy the DEC category C requirement. To do so, you must score a D or better in a mathematics course worth at least 3 credits and with a prerequisite of at least Basic Mathematics Competence. In particular -- except for MAP101, MAP103, MAT130 and MAT160 -- the DEC requirement would be satisfied by successfully completing one of the math courses listed on the first-year courses page.

Basic Mathematics Competence is attained by satisfying one of the following:

  • a score of 75 or higher on the Regents Sequential III exam
  • a score of 525 or higher on the Math SAT II
  • a score of 560 or higher on the Math SAT I
  • a score of 56 or higher on the Math part of the PSAT
  • a score of 23 or higher on the ACT Math test
  • a Stony Brook math placement level of 3 or higher
  • a grade of C or better in MAP103 or an equivalent course


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