Stony Brook
First Year Mathematics Courses

Courses in fundamentals, statistics, and mathematical thinking

MAP courses do not count toward graduation or the DEC C requirement, but do count toward your semester credit load. They are intended for those students who want, or need, to improve their basic mathematical skills.

MAP101: Fundamentals of arithmetic and algebra

This course provides essential preparation for those students who need an introduction to, or review of, arithmetic and basic algebra.
(does not count toward graduation)

MAP103: Proficiency algebra

This course provides a review of high school algebra with the aim of preparing students for calculus and other mathematics. Completion of this course satisfies the Basic Mathematics Competence requirement. Students who obtain a C or better can continue into any class in mathematics or statistics requiring a placement level of 3.
(does not count toward graduation)

AMS courses have a more applied focus. They are taught by the department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics.

AMS101: Applied precalculus

This is an applied course on precalculus topics. It's primarily intended as a terminal course, but also serves as good preparation for MAT122. Students who score an A- or better may take MAT125 if they then simultaneously take MAT130.
(3 credits)

AMS102: Elements of statistics

This course covers common ways to describe data and test statistical hypotheses. Note that the university offers other statistics courses -- AMS110, POL201, PSY201, SOC202 and ECO320 -- which may be better suited to your needs (although some of these have prerequisites). AMS102 is divided into multiple sections, with lectures of 55 students given by TAs, or 120 students taught by faculty.
(3 credits)

MAT courses designate college-level courses given by the Stony Brook Mathematics department.

MAT118: Mathematical thinking

There is more to mathematics than calculus. This course is intended for those students who want a broad introduction to interesting mathematics, but who only intend to take a single semester of college math. Topics include: logic and reasoning, numbers, graphs, functions, modeling, combinatorics and probability. There is an emphasis on problem solving. The course gives students an appreciation for the intellectual scope of mathematics.
(3 credits)

MAT160: Mathematical problems and games

This course helps students at all levels sharpen their problem solving skills and their abilities to formulate and express mathematical ideas through challenging puzzles and problems. It does not satisfy the DEC C requirement.
(1 credit)

Courses in calculus

MAT122: Overview of calculus with applications

This course provides a brief overview of differential and integral calculus, including exponential and logarithmic functions and the fundamental theorem. It is primarily intended for those students wanting to take only a single semester of calculus. It does satisfy the mathematics requirements for the business management, psychology, and economics majors. Students who later decide to take more calculus can take MAT125 or MAT131 if they then simultaneously take MAT130.
(3 credits)

MAT123: Introduction to calculus

This course provides a comprehensive preparation for the regular calculus sequence, and includes an introduction to differential calculus. Trigonometric, exponential, and logarithmic functions are taught, as are asymptotes and limits.
(3 credits)

MAT130: Functions

This course is intended to help students into the regular calculus sequence. It provides a detailed discussion of the properties of functions, especially trigonometric, exponential, and logarithmic functions. It does not satisfy the DEC C requirement, and is only offered in the Spring.
(1 credit)

The Calculus Sequences

Stony Brook offers several different calculus sequences. These sequences cover approximately the same syllabus, but differ in their speed, emphasis, and teaching methodology.

There are two flavors of the regular Calculus sequence, an Honors Calculus sequence, and an Applied Calculus sequence. The two regular Calculus sequences use the same textbook, but move at different speeds.

The 125-126-127 sequence is the slower of the two regular calculus sequences. It takes 3 semesters. Both it and the 131-132 sequence use the same textbook, which emphasizes conceptual understanding and graphical methods while developing algebraic and computational skills.

MAT125: Calculus A

This course teaches differential calculus with an emphasis on conceptual understanding, computations, and applications. The course is taught in multiple sections, with twice-weekly lectures of 140 students and twice-weekly recitations of 35 students.
(3 credits)

MAT126: Calculus B

This course continues where MAT125 leaves off. It covers integral calculus and the fundamental theorem of calculus. The course is taught in multiple sections, with twice-weekly lectures of 140 students and twice-weekly recitations of 35 students.
(3 credits)

MAT127: Calculus C

This course covers infinite series and differential equations. It completes the 125-126-127 sequence. Students in MAT127 who want to take a second math course should consider MAT211.
(3 credits)

The 131-132 sequence covers the same material as the 125-126-127 sequence in only 2 semesters, and thus moves at a significantly faster pace. Both sequences use the same textbook.

MAT131: Calculus I

This course covers differential and integral calculus, and emphasizes conceptual understanding, computations, and applications. It is taught in multiple sections, with twice-weekly lectures of 70 students and twice-weekly recitations of 35 students.
(3 credits)

MAT132: Calculus II

This course follows MAT131, and covers applications of integrations, infinite series, and differential equations. The course usually has fewer students in the Spring semester. Students in MAT132 who want to take a second math course concurrently should consider MAT211.
(3 credits)

The 141-142 sequence is the Honors sequence and is intended for highly motivated students. It takes two semesters and uses a textbook that is more theoretical and explores foundational ideas.

MAT141: Honors calculus I

This course is an enriched version of MAT131, with a greater emphasis on the underlying theory of calculus. It is taught in two sections, with twice-weekly lectures of 70 students and twice-weekly recitations of 35 students.
(3 credits)

MAT142: Honors calculus II

This course is an enriched version of MAT132, with a greater emphasis on the underlying theory of calculus. There are twice-weekly lectures and twice-weekly recitations of 30 students. Students in MAT142 who want to take a second math concurrently course should consider MAT211.
(3 credits)

The AMS151-161 sequence is the applied sequence. It uses an applications-oriented textbook and is intended for highly motivated students, particularly those in engineering. It takes two semesters and is taught in the Applied Mathematics and Statistics Department.

AMS151: Applied calculus I

This is a single-variable calculus course that uses extensive applications for motivation. There are two classes, each with 40 students, which use collaborative learning with little lecturing. The course is intended primarily for CEAS majors. It is taught only in the Fall.
(3 credits)

AMS161: Applied calculus II

This is a continuation of AMS151, with sections of 40 students using collaborative learning and little lecturing. It is taught only in the Spring.
(3 credits)


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